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Describes the social upheaval caused by the next phase in the Suns life cycle.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Part One

From 1948 - 2008 - The 60 Weeks

Eliminating Incorrect Teachings

Scientist knows that the Sun is about to enter a stage called ‘Red Giant’, but disagree on when. I’m here to tell you that before 2020, TyOpt-V™, the Sun will make this change, and part of those changes are recorded in detail throughout the Bible, so for those of you who do not believe the Testament of Blood and only the Testament of Law, answer this; Why does the books correlate so accurately? Well, within that time, 7 of those years are called the Tribulation, were just under four years away from that time, or in the Pre-Tribulation, events are now in the works to ‘Officially’ Start the Tribulation. The relevance of these writings is that within the coming months you will know whether these writings are true or false! How? Because you will be situations and events that are about to occur, and if they do not, use this manual for the fire place or just recycle it! If you have not studied Prophecy before, this is ‘Spiritual Meat’ for you, and why this style is used, so, gird up the loins of your mind, pray Psalms 119:18, as a prayer, and let’s get to work!
The 60th Week
1948 – 2008

Currently, the year is 2009, the 61st Week, however, next year, 2010 is the 62nd Week and even now, things are moving in place setting the stage for the Time To Try The Whole Earth. The timing of Elohim is beautiful, these events occur right before the Sun changes into a Red Giant, and those who do not believe the Scriptures, will suffer for eternity. We are those that believe. Freely you receive, freely you give, Mat. 10:8. Fellow Holy Pple, this is what has been given during my own personal testing, and more like a 2nd Letter To The Churches, you might say, ‘Preacher, how did you come to these conclusions?’ Okay, lets start with Daniels 70 Weeks Prophecy, 9:24; There are seven events that must take place as a final resolution for the pple of Daniel (Israel, Jews, etc.), and the Holy City (Ariel or Jerusalem). When Scripture tells us to ‘know’ something, take note of the details. Verse 25 is such a passage, it says form the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Ariel), until Messiah the Prince will be Seven and Sixty-Two Weeks (69 Weeks). Let’s stop here and map out what is being said. Skipping the technical aspects of how we get ’69 weeks’ (simply adding 7 + 62), this period is seen as 1948 when Israelites (Jews) were given permission to inhabit and rebuild Ariel (an intimate name for Jerusalem). This time frame is not just for Israelites and Ariel, but for the whole world! This span covers the Tribulation, the 7 weeks of years, right up to the Millennial Reign of Y.A.H, so, from here, we really only get the start of the End-Time Clock, end of what? The end of society and the world as we now know it! Then you may ask, ‘What will cause the end of the world?’ Simply put the changing of the sun. This change is duly noted in Scriptures, some of the Scriptures are listed on the cover, 2 Peter 3:7, 10, 12, are just a few. Yet, our life sustaining star is about out of fuel, but don’t worry, we won’t need a sun with the Son on the Throne! There are five stages in the life of a star; the stage we know is the Main Sequence or Fourth Stage. Next, is the Red Giant Stage, which we are facing now. It has been noted on a History Channel program that since 1998, every summer has been hotter than the previous one. This is caused by a change in the fuel source the sun is using. For thousands of years, the sun burn fuel from its core, however, during the change into Red Giant, the fuel source is switching from internal to external.

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