This study revealed the current preTribulation, or time preceding the Tribulation and the status of the world 3 years before the ‘Time to Try the Whole Earth’ was to begin. ‘He that has an ear, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches’, a familiar quote of Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach (Jesus), but the ears of my People (not nationality, but after the Word), are full of wax! Pray for a deep cleaning for this Word is also for you!
To you, the story of the Bible, from another perspective, summarizes what Elohim is going to do. Before a major event, it is foretold. For example in Genesis (Bereshit), ‘Elohim says, ‘Let us make man…’ or Noah preaches of the flood for 120 years before the event, but the people did not believe till it started to rain! (Can you say, ‘Too Late?’). Finally, the Prophets foretell of Elohim coming to dwell among humanity as Immanuel Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach (Jesus). *(NOTE: We should begin to use the Hebrew name for Jesus; however, some say we are wrong or that everything must be done over in the Hebrew. Yet, from my experience, when I call on Jesus in an emergency, He is there! Also, these same people do not accept speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, so they are of whom the Scriptures speak of having done all in His Name, but, He does not know them, be careful to obey ALL the Scriptures! )
While dwelling with us, other events were foretold, for instance, the Sacrifice of Elohim at Calvary, the day and hour of Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach return, also, no less significant is the coming of the Gigante (he-gante-te) Rojo! It plays a major role in the final events of Prophecy; Gigante Rojo or Red Giant, has been spoken of by several of the Prophets, and Apostles, and Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach, yet, why is this event so important? NOTE: (there are NO Apostles of today, an Apostle MUST have been alive to see the Messiah! No one on earth is over two thousand years old!) Why have not the so-called leaders and writers of Bible Prophecy ever mentioned this? Mainly, all revelations are given by Elohim, secondly, this information serves to open understanding, and used for encouragement of the Holy People for ‘The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy’, Rev. 19:10
To you, the story of the Bible, from another perspective, summarizes what Elohim is going to do. Before a major event, it is foretold. For example in Genesis (Bereshit), ‘Elohim says, ‘Let us make man…’ or Noah preaches of the flood for 120 years before the event, but the people did not believe till it started to rain! (Can you say, ‘Too Late?’). Finally, the Prophets foretell of Elohim coming to dwell among humanity as Immanuel Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach (Jesus). *(NOTE: We should begin to use the Hebrew name for Jesus; however, some say we are wrong or that everything must be done over in the Hebrew. Yet, from my experience, when I call on Jesus in an emergency, He is there! Also, these same people do not accept speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, so they are of whom the Scriptures speak of having done all in His Name, but, He does not know them, be careful to obey ALL the Scriptures! )
While dwelling with us, other events were foretold, for instance, the Sacrifice of Elohim at Calvary, the day and hour of Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach return, also, no less significant is the coming of the Gigante (he-gante-te) Rojo! It plays a major role in the final events of Prophecy; Gigante Rojo or Red Giant, has been spoken of by several of the Prophets, and Apostles, and Yeshua Adonai HaMashiach, yet, why is this event so important? NOTE: (there are NO Apostles of today, an Apostle MUST have been alive to see the Messiah! No one on earth is over two thousand years old!) Why have not the so-called leaders and writers of Bible Prophecy ever mentioned this? Mainly, all revelations are given by Elohim, secondly, this information serves to open understanding, and used for encouragement of the Holy People for ‘The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy’, Rev. 19:10
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